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Whether you should join the Google adsense program or not - is entirely up to you. However, if you have some free ad space on your Blog or website, Surely you should join Google adsense.
Here are a few reasons for you to consider about adsense:
1. No need to change outdated ads on your website - everything is done by Google.
2. Google adsense serves you ads no popup etc.
3. Display well written content related advertising, that will match your site subject.
4. Save time finding advertisers for your ad space.
5. One simple code to paste on your pages.
6. You can change the color of the adsense ads displayed, so that they fit your current site layout.
7. Google adsense is easy to join, most websites with original content gets accepted.
However, a few general guidelines you can use to understand the earning potential of Google Adsense:
Your daily adsense earnings are determined by 4 things:
1 .The number of clicks on the Adsense ads.
It is most important factor you are not allowed to click on your ads at your website or blog means be fair.Because such occurrence will not benefit to you. you will be banned and your earning will be lost.
2. The number of page views
The more page views (visitors) to your website, the higher is the chance that you will get clicks on your adsense ads. It should keep in mind that quality visitor will generate you with better revenue.Always design your website, and write your content to a targetted audience.
3. Your CTR (Click Thru Rate) = page views divided by clicks in percentage.
Higher rate of CTR (Click thru Rate) is a measurement of how well you are doing as Adsense Publisher. Highter CTR also means well targeted contents.Therefore higher revenues for you.