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Posted by Nadeesha Cabral in Google Adsense
1. It’ll confuse your readers and give the impression that you’re a sellout.
2. Your earning will significantly drop.
Since you can probably figure out number one, I’ll shed some light on to the number two. Yes, It’s True! More AdSense units mean lesser payouts. Suppose there are 3 units of ad blocks in your page. (AdSense TOS only allow you to have a maximum of 3 ad blocks per page, by the way) Hypothetically that the same ad is displayed throughout. If the top block pays you $0.20 for a click, the next one would pay you $0.15., and the bottom one will only pay $0.10! (Please note that those are hypothetical values. These rates differ for various reasons) So if you have adsense blocks crawling throgh out your pages, I recommend having only 1-2 ad blocks per page. Not only will it remove the clutter, it will also increase your revenue.
Of course, Google won’t tell you this directly. They get a fixed rate per click from advertisers. To the extent of my knowledge I don’t see Google getting reduced payouts depending on the ad placement. But have to research a bit to be sure. It only matters to the publisher. I found this out by only experimenting with my Ad channels after some top-notch bloggers revealed it.