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More Adsense Revenue Is Really Simple With This Trick

If you want to make more adsense revenue, you have to use higher paying keywords in the articles you write. To accomplish that goal, you have to use high paying keywords that adsense is willing to pay more for. There are two techniques you can use to locate these high paying phrases; you can either purchase a list of the highest paying AdSense words, or you can do your own research to find them. Following is the information you need to create a list of your own in order to make more adsense revenue.

The amount of income that AdSense pays you is predicated on the total amount of money that advertisers are will to pay on a cost per click (CPC) basis. And the way it works is straightforward; the bigger the amount that advertisers are willing to pay (CPC), the more money you will make from Adsense. So, in order to earn more adsense revenue, you've got to focus your articles on words that have the highest cost per click (CPC).

Although the CPC is a major factor, there several other considerations that determine how much income you are able to make using AdSense. Following is a list of procedures that you can use to generate more adsense revenue. Using the Google keyword tool, you can get all of the information shown below.

The number of bidders : If there are no bidders on a selected phrase or word, even though the word has a high average CPC cost, you will not make any money from that phrase. Locate terms that have good competition among advertisers. This guarantees that your Google advertisements will be shown and will get clicks that can make you more adsense revenue.

In order to find premium, high paying keywords, look for words or phrases that have lots of advertisements that are displayed along the right side of the search page. A massive number of ads indicates that there is a large amount of interest in that word, and that translates into more adsense revenue for you.

The phrases you choose must have tons of approximate clicks. Although it is only an estimation, it can give you some concept of the amount of people who are performing searches based on this term. Avoid keywords with a low number of bidders.

Make sure your internet site or blog focuses on a single theme related to your high paying keywords. Use separate pages for each keyword or phrase. Google only lets you to place three ad blocks on each page. If your internet site contains, 10 pages, you can display a total of thirty AdSense ads on your site, versus just 3 adverts for a single paged site. Obviously, you can generate much more adsense revenue by using thirty adverts than you will with just three advertisements.

The list of high paying phrases must include phrases that are getting good traffic. The traffic guesstimate is very important because these are terms that folk are really looking for.

As an alternative to building your own list to generate more adsense revenue, you can purchase a list (they are really inexpensive).

Download my latest list of the highest paying keywords that contains 4800 of the highest paying AdSense words. These words are paying between 10 dollars to 70 dollars for a single click! Download your copy now at More Adsense Revenue !

If you use AdWords or Adsense on your websites you probably heard about the illegal practice in the underworld of the internet called "click fraud". Click fraud, what is it, and how is it accomplished? for more details you can login to Dense uses a payment method that pays out a certain amount of money to a publisher which is a person that places a Dense banner on their webpage, and every time a web surfer clicks on the said banner the publisher makes money. So click fraud is an attempt to have web surfers clicking these Adsense ads just so publishers can earn a greater income from their webpages.

There are webmasters designing websites for the sole purpose of fraudulently generating money through Google's Dense program. The methods they use range from complex and sophisticated to some rudimentary and simple, and achieve an incredible number of clicks.

The most complex is something called "hitbots". They are automated programs that emulate clicking the links in Adsense banners, and some actually click the banners themselves.

Google's Adsense protection scheme is not perfect and anyone can find details on the internet to get around their protection mechanism, ironically just by using Google in a search for the solution.

A more rudimentary method of click fraud is to hire many web surfers in poor countries to click the links on your websites. These web surfers will actually sit in front of their computers all day long and just click your links so you can earn a small fortune. India is one of the poor countries where webmasters find these web surfers, and they are prepared to do the clicking for just $0.50 an hour.

There is a problem with this method, if Google gets a large number of clicks from a single IP address, the IP address and the website that had the Adsense banner on it will be banned, and even get the fraudster sued.

To get around this, many web surfers will use a large number of proxy servers for the purpose of clicking. Proxy servers allow you to surf the internet in stealth mode. They are basically trojans, and located on computers all over the world, though a lot are in the United States. What is daunting about this are that these clicks will appear to originate from an actual computer so these scams are hard to detect.

This type of click fraud does not happen only in isolated instances. In fact, there is so much click fraud that if search engine companies do not increase their security with such programs as Adsense, such criminal behavior could become even more damaging, and destroy the whole adsense business. you can check it out from Google has sued those employing such techniques, and has a very strict policy regarding click fraud. Although, this search engine giant tries hard to minimize the risk of click fraud there is certainly lots of room for a lot of improvement.

An estimated 20 percent of the clicks on Adsense links are just done in order to get cash from the people paying for the Adsense ad. Some estimates put the numbers of fraudulent clicks even higher as much as 40 percent.

There is a lot more schemes out there involving click fraud, including groups of Adsense publishers clicking each other's links. This method of click fraud is referred to as "clicking rings", or spamming people so that they will click these links.

Despite Google still holding click fraud on a leash, the phenomenon is certainly raising concerns for the advertisers on AdWords, but despite this advertising with Google's Adsense still remains more profitable for the advertiser, as opposed to traditional untargeted advertising schemes.

There are some means of protection against such schemes and all advertisers should be savvy enough to employ them. Many advertisers choose to avoid the content network all together for fear of click fraud. More at

To prevent users from ad blindness, using a rotating colour palette is a brilliant idea. One can select multiple colour schemes using the control key, the up or down keys and the spacebar. Officially Google AdSense programme allows selecting up to four different colour schemes. Once selected, the multiple colour schemes are incorporated into the settings of the AdSense code of the user. Once this is done, the colour schemes changes every time the webpage is reloaded. Thus, every time providing a new look to the ads. The regular users of the sites, who ignore a known ad, can be prevented from doing so by providing new looks every time. Thus not too much is to be done, once the setting is made, every other thing becomes automatic. This can lead to more click through rates.

Many ads are shown up by Google in the different search result pages. These are the ad of the website owners subscribed to the Google AdSense programme. The ads placed on the pages are generally related to the search provided by the user. The ads if clicked on by the users, then both Google as well as the site owner earns on the number of clicks being generated. But to make the ads capable of being clicked requires some trick. Colour plays a vital role in making the ad units capable of grabbing enough attention among the users. Typically a regular visitor to a site has the tendency to ignore the ads that are displayed on the site. The use of same selected colour palette for the ads in the same location for a large number of days results to this phenomenon. This is known as ad blindness. To do away with this, and to prevent the users from ignoring the ads, one can rotate the colour palettes up to four different ways and this is officially approved by Google AdSense programme. One can do this by pressing the control key and scrolling the up or down keys and can select multiple schemes with the help of the spacebar. On doing this four colour palettes will be shown side by side and they can be incorporated in the AdSense code of the user while creating the AdSense Layout. The provided colour code then automatically changes as the page is reloaded. So, once the selection is done in the setting, nothing more is to be done. This is a great idea to give the ads a fresh look to the ads, anytime they are clicked. A regular user of the site, to whom all the ads becomes known, if kept in the same way for a long time, and thus ignores them, this can be prevented by all the time generating a new look to the ads, such that the user finds it new. This little trick can lead to a better click through rate (CTR) as every time the page opens with a new colour scheme.

Google is at least as interested as you are in having your ads perform well on your site. And they've gone to some work to provide the information you need to optimize your AdSense.

What's fascinating to me is that apparently not everyone bothers to read their tips. And even some that do, fail to apply it.

That said, you need to be aware that simply using their tips doesn't guarantee successful ads and decent CTR (Click Through Rate). How many times have you heard this? You have to test. You have to try alternatives and see what really works best for you, on your pages, with your content and your visitors. Test, test, test some more. Track your results, analyze them, try variations. Too many of us don't test. We hear the mantra, but we don't do the work.

First, let's see if we can get an idea about location. (The graphic is included in the article on my site or you can take a look at it at the Google link included below) Generally, above the fold, at the top center of your content, below top navigation is the hottest location. Not immediately below which is good but not quite as hot. In a left sidebar, to the immediate left of primary content or below the primary content are also good. Most other locations are generally cooler.

Again, you need to test and you need to consider your users behavior - and their behavior may vary on different pages with different kinds of content. Google suggests that in some cases, such as articles, the best location can be at the end of the article. To quote Google, "It's almost as if users finish reading and ask themselves, What can I do next?" Well targeted relevant ads right there can provide the answer.

Don't blindly assume that sticking a nice big rectangle in the center above the fold will do it. It may, but depending on your content, it may annoy or inconvenience your users.

Users tend to focus on content, navigation and to a lesser extent graphics. Positioning your ads near these elements will often work well -- if those ads are targeted to your visitors needs.

The top three performers among the Google ad formats are the 336X280 large rectangle, the 300X250 inline rectangle and the 160X600 wide skyscraper. Google reports that the wider formats tend to do better than the taller ones. One reason may be that these are, perhaps, easier to read since they have fewer line breaks and require less eye movement. But, you need to use formats that fit your pages well. Once again, you need to test, but redoing your pages to suit a particular ad format may not be a reasonable alternative and you may discover that a different format actually gets better results.

Now we come to color. Conventional wisdom says that colors which tend to blend into your content do better. Some go so far as to suggest that colors which make the ads look like part of the content are best. Personally, I think anybody really believes those ads are anything but ads, but who knows. Google suggests that you may find that colors that standout from your content do better - or maybe the opposite. This is absolutely an area where you need to test alternative color schemes. Going with the conventional wisdom usually works fairly well, but without testing you could be leaving a lot of money on the table.

Google allows you to have up to three ad units and one link unit on your pages. If you have long pages with lots of text, can only use small ad units or are in a niche with a large ad inventory, multiple units can pay off. Keep in mind that the way ad serving works is that the higher value ads are delivered to the first ad unit block encountered in your code. Always make sure that this first ad unit is displayed in the best location (yeah - test). You want the higher paying ads to be in the prime hot location on your page. Weaker locations can get the lower priced ads. And if none are available, then nothing will display unless you've included an alternate ad URL in your Google code. To maximize monetization you should be including alternate ad URLs, especially if you are putting multiple units on a page. The use of an alternate ad URL also eliminates the possibility of being served PSAs (Public Service Announcements). It's your real estate, maximize your returns.

Nothing here is secret. Except for using the alternate ad URL, all of this information is available from Google's Optimization Tips page - . You can buy books and courses, visit a dozen forums and, in the end it comes down to what your visitors do on your site. The best you can get is general guidance. This means averaged outcomes over many sites, many types of content. If you are serious about doing whatever you can to really optimize your AdSense returns, there is only one thing to do - test. Whether it's AdSense, opt-ins, copy, headlines - anything with a measurable outcome that you can track - then the way to improve is to test and keep on testing.
Did you find this article useful? For more useful tips & hints, Points to ponder and keep in mind, techniques & insights pertaining to Google Adsense, More at

The internet is full of articles, ebooks and hype about using blogs with Google’s Adsense program to make money. The formula for success, it seems, is simple. You blog, place ads, get traffic, visitors click on the ads and you get paid. The question many people want to know is, can we make a profit?

This question has been difficult to answer, in large part, because of the Google Terms of Service for Adsense users. Although the terms have recently been loosened somewhat, users were long prohibited from sharing personal information regarding their success levels and other key statistics that might have provided prospective for-profit bloggers from developing a clear perspective on the profit potential available.

If you are curious about whether or not you can make blogging with Adsense a legitimate moneymaker, it is worth conducting this relatively simple exercise. The results can give you an idea of whether or not it is worth your time.

First, determine how long it will take you to build your blog. Consider the set up time and the time necessary to do initial promotion and to write at least ten to twenty starter posts. We will say our preparation time is fifteen hours.

Second, estimate how much time it will take on a weekly basis to do additional promotion and to add at least two new posts. Multiply this figure by 52 (the number of weeks in a year). For this example, we will set promotion time at 156 hours (3 hours per week).

Third, add preparation time and Promotion time. This will give us an idea of the total time required. In this case, total time is 171 total hours.

Fourth, investigate the average value of an ad click in your niche. You can use the Overture bid tool, easily found online, to get a reasonable idea of the value of each click. In order to make your projection “safe,” reduce that number by half. This yields PPC, or “pay per click.” Let’s say the bid tool says clicks related to our keyword are worth about forty cents. Our PPC is .20.

Fifth, determine how much your time is worth. Do you feel your blogging time should generate at least $10 per hour? $20? This is a matter of personal preference. We will assess the value of our time at $10 per hour for this exercise.

Sixth, assume a click-through rate of eight percent. This is a low figure, as many blogs can generate click-through rates approximating 25%. Click-through rate is expressed as CTR.

Now it’s time to perform the critical calculation. We need to determine the required number of visitors necessary to produce enough money to make the process worthwhile. To find the number of visitors required you need to do a little algebra. You multiply visitors (unknown) times pay per click(.20) times click thru rate (.08) which will equal how much your time is worth (10) times total time required (171).

You don't have to do the algebra, the number of visitors would be 139,200. In order to make the process pay, you will have to drive 106,875 visitors to the blog over the course of one year. That translates to approximately 292 visitors per day, on average. Obviously, that is a very “doable” number based on the amount of time we have set aside for the process.

So, for our example, blogging for bucks with Adsense is a winner.

Perform these calculations based on your own unique circumstances and you can determine the viability of earning money with a blog and Adsense.

If you are looking at Google's AdSense program you are surely asking yourself how much you could make from such a program, and you probably think you cannot make as much as you can from traditional advertising schemes.

Google, of course, keeps a great deal of secrecy regarding how much AdWords advertisers pay per each click directed to their site and the same applies for how much AdSense banner holders make from their websites.

While there is nothing official, rumors circulate around the Internet concerning the amount of cash a website can earn by using Google AdSense program. And many people (illegally) disclose how much they have been making with Google AdSense program. There are stories of people raising over one thousand dollars per month using Google AdSense program.

There are also stories of people exceeding $100,000.00 per month but it is a bit hard to believe such stories. The truth to the matter is that if you have a small website and you just want it to support itself, and do not wish to reach your pocket for its maintenance costs you can probably do this with Google AdSense program.

Google AdSense program is also very good for people who host a lot of pages. Even if the said pages do not generate a lot of traffic individually, every click counts and you can earn up with a lot of money by doing this. And that just goes to prove that sometimes quantity matters nearly as much as quality.

There is no telling how much money you are going to make by using Google's AdSense program but you can sort of tell for yourself, before actually starting, by taking a few things into consideration.

First, is the amount of visits you get every day. While there is no way to estimate precisely on this, you can generally make a safe assumption that if you have a lot of clicks per day you will be making good money.

Also, this depends on what exactly your site is about. If your site is about anything popular (music, sex, whatever) you are bound to get a lot of banner clicks. These have a coefficient associated with them, called the CTR (click through ratio).

Basically, what it translates to is that if a large proportion of your site's visitors click the ads you will be making more money. And the best way to do this is to have some popular content in your site, ensuring the links direct users towards popular items as well.

Then of course, there is the position and number of ads on your website. While you do not want to overdo it, having many links will undoubtedly generate more income for you as a webmaster. Do not however believe, that if you just add a lot of ads in an important portion of your site, visitors could always just skip them (and be assured that many do just that).

There is something between an art and a science to positioning your ads. People generally look in certain places and never look in others, and knowing this a website author and/or webmaster can do a great deal of things to increase his earnings with Google AdSense program.

All in all, the amount of money you make with Google AdSense program depends on many factors. But if you have a site with interesting contents and/or many pages, and if you see a constantly large amount of traffic every day, you can bet you'll be making a lot of money with Google AdSense program.

Even if you are not in the above categories, Google AdSense program is still worth using because there is very little hassle in setting it up, and many times it can help financially support the site, whilst being a nice bonus to get through the post at the end of the month.
More at

While Wordpress itself is a robust and complete blogging system, to really maximize the software and make money from Google Adsense you'll need to install and use a couple of Adsense "plugins".

Most of the plugins can be found by doing a search on Google, and installation is simple and straightforward. All you need to do is upload the plugin to your web host using an FTP, and activate the plugin inside your Wordpress administration area.

1) Adsense Deluxe Wordpress Plugin

The first and most important is a plugin called "Adsense Deluxe". While this plugin will help you to display Adsense ads on your blog, it also serves other purposes. You can use this plugin to insert Javascript, PHP and almost any other type of code into your blog posts.

You can create multiple ad formats in the plugin's settings page, and you can always change these later without having to modify the individual blog posts. This makes it easy to test different ad formats over time, and also to replace your Adsense codes with other ads if the need arises.

2) Adsense Injection Wordpress Plugin

Unlike the Adsense Deluxe plugin, the "Adsense Injection" plugin will insert Adsense codes automatically into every blog post, including older posts.

This is great if your blog already has a lot of existing content, and you don't want to insert codes manually into all of them. As the name suggests, when you use Adsense Injection you "inject" your Adsense codes automatically and randomly into all previous and future blog posts.

Thus, you will not have to worry about what's called "ad blindness" as your Adsense blocks will appear in different positions within your content. You can also randomize different ad formats and different alignments to make sure that no two pages have the exact Adsense codes on them.

Unlike the Adsense Deluxe plugin however, the Adsense Injection plugin cannot display other Javascript ads or PHP codes.

3) Adsense Beautifier Wordpress Plugin

The Adsense Beautifier plugin just makes your ads prettier. By adding an image on top or next to your Adsense codes automatically, the plugin can help you to achieve a higher CTR (click-through) and ultimately higher Adsense earnings.

The images are generic so you can use them with any type of content. You can also create and upload your own images to be used with the Adsense Beautifier plugin. If you do this however, make sure you check with the Adsense support team as you don't want to violate any of their terms of service.

4) Adsense Manager Wordpress Plugin

Adsence Manager is a Wordpress plugin for managing Adsence ads on your blog. It generates code automatically and allows positioning with Widgets.

Incorporating adsense into a wordpress blog is fairly easy since wordpress have the ability to use plugins. With these wordpress plugins for adsense you will be able to position your adsense ads anywhere on your wordpress blog, experiment with them and find what produces the highest adsense earnings.
For more useful tips & hints, please browse for more information at our website: -

Google Adsense dominate the Internet Marketing Advertising industry by displaying contextual ads to targeted audience on websites large and small.
If you've been an AdSense publisher for a while, you've surely encountered people who complain about being kicked out of the AdSense program for no good reason. While I'm sure there are cases where the publisher was unfairly terminated, I suspect most account terminations are in fact done for valid reasons.
Google Adsense is a great product that has provided many webmasters with a decent income. In fact some have even become millionaires on Adsense income alone. One of the darkest nightmare for webmasters who use Google Adsense to generate 100 percent of their website income, is to receive a notice that their Google Adsense has been banned or disabled Generally, the notice starts out like this:
"It has come to our attention that invalid clicks have been generated on the ads on your web pages. We have therefore disabled your Google Adsense account. Please understand that this step was taken in an effort to protect the interest of the AdWords advertisers."
If you account in Adsense has been banned, have you succeeded of getting it back? Or have you ever heard of anyone who gets his or her account back after being banned. And would their money is still there if they've gotten their account back?
It is understandable that Google are very strict when it comes to fraud. People who click on their own online ads aren't stealing from Google, they're stealing from the advertiser who has placed the AdWords Ads with Google. Not only does the adsense account is banned, but also existing click-through earnings are refunded back to the advertisers.
Now what ? Forget about it. It is highly unlikely that Google will unlock your Adsense account again, unless you have a fantastic reason (this is a rarity).
Don't waste your time. Remember it is the Internet age and everything is automated and Google's answers to any sincere and arguing emails would be useless. Mainly because, they are completely robotized.
So it's your job as an AdSense publisher to report any suspicious matter to them. In other words, it means,
• If you notice suspicious clicks, report it.
• If you accidentally click your own ads (it happens), report it.
• If your site is suddenly featured on Slashdot, Digg, or some other high-traffic site, report it.
• If you know something (press release, review, etc.) is going to send a lot of traffic your way, report it.
• If you're in doubt about anything, report it...
Also, Google takes the guilty-until-proven-innocent approach in its dealings with publishers unless you show a pattern of co-operative behavior. Not waiting until Google notices something - hmm, those earnings are way above normal, I think I'll just let it slide.... greatly increases your chances of getting your account suspended.
Every once in a while I read this message in a forum forums..just got "banned from adsense" what ?? It makes me wonder what the person did to get banned. It was probably one of the following items. Here are the top five ways (in no particular order) to get "banned from AdSense".
1. Clicking Your Own Ads (Click Fraud)
No matter how you slice it, though, there are definitely people out there who "click their own ads", or encourage others to do so, for their own monetary gain. If accidental clicks do happen and you shouldn't panic if you accidentally click an ad on one of your own sites. Just drop a quick note to Google telling them about it and take steps to prevent it from happening again.
2. Not Following the AdSense Terms and Conditions
Many people never fully read the AdSense terms and conditions, often referred to as the TOS (terms of service). Though the TOS is vague about some things (like defining what a content page is), it is very explicit about various things you can't do.
3. Not Following the AdSense Program Policies
The AdSense program policies are technically part of the AdSense terms and conditions, even though they're listed on a separate page. This is where you'll find the information about how many link or ad units you can use on a page, what kind of sites are acceptable, etc.
4. Opening Multiple AdSense Accounts
This has become much harder to do since Google has added algorithms to detect "opening multiple adsense accounts" belonging to the same person or entity. Each person or entity can only have one account. If you have a legitimate need for two or more accounts, you must create a separate legal entity (like a corporation) for each additional account, and that entity must separately apply and be approved for a new account.
5. Ignoring Warnings and Questions From Google
Although certain events cause Google to automatically terminate your account, many terminations are preceded by a warning note from the AdSense team. This is your chance to defend yourself and to change your site/behavior in response. If you're not responsive, they'll just go ahead and ban you. (If you're going away for an extended period of time, you should check your mail every day or two and keep an eye on your AdSense earnings as well. Be sure to report any suspicious activity as soon as you see it.)
Now the question is, if suppose your Adsense account is banned, are there any other alternatives ?
Obviously you would try to find a smart engine that works similar to Google AdSense but display products from Clickbank with your affiliate ID already embedded in the ads.
As a result, it can easily turn your website into a monster Clickbank affiliate money. Besides, "affiliate marketing" is booming and there are a couple of companies that puts your website right in front of the hungry crowd.
There is CBProsense, 1st promotions and there are many more.
Most of them works similar to the contextual ad delivery systems ( like the ones used by the major search engines ), but with one major difference, these deliver a highly targeted ClickBank products that closely relate to the content of your page. Ads that your visitors will want to click on. And each time they do, you will have the chance to earn high affiliate commissions - not a few cents, but real dollars.
In short, you can earn up to 75 percent in commission for each product sold ! That is to say with most products paying anywhere from 40 percent to 75 percent in commissions, you can earn up to a maximum of $100 per sale !
So put CBprosense and 1st promotion as alternatives in your file for Adsense. As they say you really find out only when the need arises.
As a bottom line, just remember the search engine never really needs you, it is always the other way around. So, don't take your frustrations on the obvious. There can always be a small nasty player out there, who can keep clicking on your Adsense ads, which invariably leads to your account being banned by Adsense
As they say you really find out, only when the need arises. So put CBprosense as an alternative in your file for Adsense.

Google's AdSense is a fascinating revenue-sharing opportunity for small, medium and large web sites. Some webmasters are designing brand new sites specifically for serving AdSense text ads. (It's against the AdSense rules to design a site purely for AdSense, so you'll want to include a few affiliate links or sell your own product, too.)

I read an article about how to increase adsense revenue from associate programs here is the analysis from the article

Let's say you have a goal of earning $100,000 a year from AdSense. Is that possible? Let's see � $100,000 divided by 365 = $274 a day. So your goal is to produce either:
• 274 pages which earn $1 a day or
• 548 pages which earn 50 cents a day or
• 1096 pages which earn 25 cents a day
The following are hypothetical cases. To earn $1 a day per page, you need, per page�
• 400 visitors, 5% click-through rate (CTR ) and average 5c payout. Or 200 visitors, 10% CTR and an average 5c payout.
• Or 100 visitors, 10% CTR, and an average 10c payout.
• Or 100 visitors, 5% CTR, and an average 20c payout
Let's assume you choose a goal somewhere around the middle, say aiming for 50 visitors per page and want 274 pages earning $1 a day. You'd need 274 x 50 = 13,700 pageviews a day.
Does that sound too tough? If so, you'd better look for more profitable keywords and ways to improve your click-through rates.
Let's try a different scenario, You choose more profitable keywords and make your $1 on average per page from, say, 10 visitors. 274 x 10 = 2740 pageviews a day, That's looking easier to achieve, If your average visitor sees 3 pages, you now need 913 unique visitors a day.
Is that too tough to achieve in your niche? If so, create two sites, each attracting half that number, 456 unique visitors, a day, Can't achieve those click-through rates and payouts? Then you'll either need more pages on your sites on more niche sites.

Please note, because of the AdSense rules, these are all hypothetical cases. I'm not allowed to give real cases. Real CTR rates and payouts vary hugely.Choose the goal which best matches your site or sites.

Then start building keyword-rich pages containing well researched, profitable keywords, and get lots of high quality links to your site.

When Google launched AdSense for webmasters way back in June 2003, AdWords was still new, people had no clue what contextual advertising meant or how it worked, and most importantly, no one had provided a similar service for the average webmaster (like you and me) for free so far. Two and half years later, things have changed. AdSense has become massive; more and more people everyday are buying into the possibility of earning money, serious money through Google AdSense. A lot of this has to do with the high competition for keywords on AdWords - as advertisers bid higher and higher, clicks on your site’s AdSense ads become more and more valuable. In addition, a large number of services have sprung up to offer similar advertising services. Other pay-per-click advertising sites have been quick to follow the Google model, offering contextual advertisements just like AdSense. What’s more, alternative site advertising models have sprung up, most notable being the contextual algorithms used by Kontera and Vibrant Media, and the product advertising by Chitika, Commission Junction and CBProSense, amongst others.

Google AdSense is still the largest revenue network, and with AdWords being the most popular PPC program available, there’s still great potential for AdSense revenue on your website. Still, you may feel like AdSense is not the thing for you. Maybe you don’t like Google. Or maybe, like me, you’re looking to maximize the revenues from your website. In other words, you may have a number of reasons for looking at advertising alternatives to Google AdSense. In today’s lesson I’ve picked out three serious alternatives for you to consider in place of AdSense. These are:
* Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN)
* Kontera
* Chitika eMiniMalls
Each occupies a different “niche” within the site advertising model - and it’s worth noting that all three may work best for one type of site, but not too well for others.

Yahoo Publishers Network
Yahoo! Publisher Network (or YPN for short) is Yahoo’s response to Google AdSense. In effect, YPN works almost exactly like AdSense - insert a piece of JavaScript code into your site pages, and then wait for the YPN bot to crawl your site and pretty soon you have contextually relevant ads being displayed on your site. YPN is still in beta, and in terms of features, it shows as there are several features available in AdSense that seem to be missing in YPN (lesser ad format options, clunkier code generation, limited color palette options, a limit of 50 ad channels). However, YPN trumps AdSense with one feature that webmasters have been clamoring for ever since Google launched AdSense - the ability to transfer funds from YPN to Yahoo Search Marketing (YSM), provided that you use the same login/email information on both accounts. This is huge in terms of attracting webmasters, but since YSM is still a few steps behind AdWords in popularity, Yahoo will need to do more to attract AdSense users.

My own tests coincide with what other search marketing experts have said about “Yahoo’s AdSense” - results are too varied to determine which service delivers better ads or better CTR/CPM. If you want to switch over to YPN just because you want to increase your site revenues, I’d suggest that you test it out on a small section of your site first. Both YPN and AdSense have comparable ad relevancy and average earnings per click. This means that at least for now, your choice between the two might be based on something as simple as a preference for either search engine (or if you are actively involved in PPC advertising using YSM).

If you own a high-quality content-rich site and enjoy considerable web traffic, you might want to consider a contextual, keyword-based advertising alternative to the AdSense model. Kontera provides such a non-obtrusive, highly effective solution. Kontera is unique in the sense that while it is provides ad banners similar to AdSense, it also uses keywords within your page text as ads - by underlining them and giving ads in the form of tool tips upon a mouse over of the underlined text (ad). An example of such ads is on SEO Chat (which actually uses a similar service from a different company, Vibrant Media, mentioned later in this section). Load any article on SEO Chat, and you’ll notice that certain keywords in the main article text are underlined. When you bring your mouse pointer over that keyword (don’t click), a simple tool tip will appear.

Kontera’s biggest draw, in my view, is their qualification requirements (150,000 page views per month and 100+ words on a majority of the site pages) which ensure that only content-rich, high quality websites become members of their publishing network. 150,000 page views per month translates into 5,000 page views daily - let’s face it, to get to that level of web traffic, you would need to put in some effort. All in all, the requirements serve to bring in only the best content sites into the program - sites that are focused on providing quality to the customers. In the end, this quality focus also translates into advertisers that are willing to pay big bucks to generate leads from theses sites, thus earning you high EPC (earnings per click) on average.

If you have a site that meets Kontera’s requirements and are interested in seriously exploring unobtrusive, effective contextual advertising, then I would suggest that you snap up a copy of Joel Comm’s Kontera Secrets and use it as your guide in implementing Kontera’s advertising algorithms on your website. Selling at $47 (as of 18th Nov 2005), the e-book is a quick but extremely informative and invaluable read at just 29 pages. Another option in contextual, keyword-tagged advertising in Vibrant Media. It offers similar services to Kontera, with one important distinction - its minimum qualification is 500,000 page views per month. Vibrant Media is the company that powers the ads on SEO Chat.

Strictly speaking, Chitika is a product-advertising service that uses both contextual and keyword specific advertising (you can choose one of two) to display product information on your website. Revenue is generated through leads (i.e. clicks), and Chitika pays website owners 60% of their revenue (e.g. if an advertiser bids $1 for an ad for Nike running shoes, and a visitor on your site clicks on that ad, you get $.60). Chitika ads are better known as eMiniMalls - a reference to how convenient it becomes for users to browse through the product advertisement while remaining on your site. This is better seen than explained, so make sure you check the “demo” on the front page of

eMiniMalls can be configured to run both contextually or by manually specifying keywords. Contextual advertising is great if you have a highly targeted content site but if you are just looking to put up ads on a few product review pages (or if you just want to test out eMiniMalls), you can also manually specify keywords for which to show ads. The keyword option also allows you to run eMiniMalls alongside AdSense and YPN (as both prohibit the use of other contextual advertising running simultaneously with their ads). A key point to keep in mind when trying out Chitika is that running “product ads” on your website (no matter how informative they might be) is that you have to do your research on which products and keywords have the best paying ads. Otherwise, if the coffeemaker ads on your coffee secrets website only pay you $.05 per click, you might want to switch to something else.

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Do you want to make more money in your home business. If you sell your product or affiliate stuffs online. One program that does pay pretty good, is easy to implement, and pays on time is Google Adsense.

In this article we will together look at the 4 hidden secret make more money than you currently are and how to apply it it with Google 's pay per click advertising program.

1.Understanding Google Adsense

Once you design a website, you will contact the Google Adsense program. They will request information about your website and then give you a code to use. You insert the code as directed on your website and almost magically ads will appear on your website that are very close to or right on your subject matter. It works simply.

2.How Google Asense works.

Google charges the individuals that place the ad a certain amount. When someone clicks on the ad, visits the website and/or makes a purchase, the Google Adsense program credits your account with part of the fee. The benefit of this is that it is all automatic. You don't have to track down individuals to pay for their ad space nor do you need to worry about having ads there. Some ads are worth far more than others and you can even research this and develop websites around these high paying ads.

3.Increase Your Google Earnings

To make more money everyday with Google you want to limit the number of Google Adsense ads to 3 or less per page. The more ads you have on a page the less they begin to pay. It benefits both you and Google to have the highest paying ads showing up on your page.

You want to blend your ads into the page. People have become blind to ads on the internet. They just do not care about them. By blending your ads into the page you've a better chance to get them clicked on. This may mean using a white border.

4.Track Your earnings.

Check your stats periodically. You want to see your click through rate and your cost per click. By knowing how many visitors it takes to get a click and how much you are making per click you can decide if having a Google Ad on that page is worth it or not.

Make sure the ads that are coming up are relevant to the page. If not consider if you have content that is bad, or if your meta tags are set up wrong. Maybe even your header graphic has a bad alt tag.

How Adsense Works is by placing a snippent of code that allows small contextual ads to be published on your web sites. The ads are created by advertisers who are utilizing the Google Adwords program and are allowing their ads to show up in content related results like Adsense.

Adwords plays a vital role in determining how Adsense works. Both programs are dependent upon one another. Every time a person does a search on Google and clicks on one of the sponsored ads, the person that created that ad pays Google a predetermined price. This is where the term "pay per click" comes from. Depending on the competition for that keyword the advertiser might pay anywhere from .10 cents to almost $10.00 for that click. So how does Google Adsense fit into this equation?

The beauty of how Adsense works is that by putting the Adsense code into your web pages and allowing these Adwords ads to show Google will split the money it receives from the publisher of the ad with you when a visitor to your site clicks on one of these ads. It is a well guarded secret what the actual percentage of the split is, and it does vary, but many speculate that it can be as high as 50%.

So if the creator of the ad is willing to pay .60 cents per click, then the you can expect to see about .30 cents every time someone clicks on that ad. The other .30 cents is kept by Google of course. So basically how Adsense works is that it is a partnership between Google and webmasters.

Another important factor of how Adsense Works is that it will only show ads relevant to the theme of your webpage. What does this mean? Well, for example, lets say that Kevin has a site about cooking and wants to make money from his site using Google Adsense ads. By placing the Adsense code on his site the ads that would be shown would all be related to cooking, and if he had a webpage about more specific areas of cooking like great recipes for the grill for example then the adds on that page would most likely be for things related to grilling. Are you understanding the awesome power of how Adsense works now.

It is not very difficult to see how someone with a web site that receives a decent amount of visitors can make some easy money by learning how Adsense works and implementing it into their site. Heck, there are many webmasters that will create web sites for the sole purpose of attracting high paying Adsense ads. So whatever your reason for wanting to learn how Adsense works, if you own a website or blog it is definitely a worth while endeavor to ad some Adsense code to your webpages.

In the last two years John Hughes, through much trial and error has finally uncovered the secret to how Google Adsense works. Learn how you can become a successful Adsense webmaster and get your free Adsense Income Blueprint by visiting

Recently read from many sources from the internet on how to increase your adsense earnings. Adsense is an advertisement program by Google whereby google adsense publishers put google adsense ads on their domain to earn some cash. I will cut the chase, so here are some of the factors leading to high google adsense earnings (and tips afterwards):

1. high eCPM (comes with low bounce rate)
2. many impressions
3. put your ads on the left side > to increase CTR > to increase number of clicks
4. expensive keywords

These are some of the points I have derived from many, many sources over 3 weeks, and here are the tips:

1. High eCPM can be achieve through your site from many factors, for example good content, professional layout and such. The other factors are not so relevant so I won't be stating it down, but theres another factor which is equally as important as your content itself: bounce rate. Low bounce rate = higher eCPM. I have seen it with my own eyes; 1 day I had like 100 page views, low bounce rate, so theres high eCPM which earned me 8 dollars. However, another day, I had 200 page views, but VERY HIGH bounce rate, so theres little eCPM which earned me only 6 dollars. So how to reduce bounce rate? Convince visitors to click on a link to read more of your stuff. If they click at least once on your page, bounce rate will be much lower than them not clicking at all. Heres a site which tells you just how to convince them to 'click here to read more', expandable posts
2. Many impressions. This one is about marketing your site. Just use yahoo answers and twitter to quickly market your site out, if you are just a simple blogger like me of course

3. I just did a research 'just now', and I found out how to make visitors notice more of your google adsense ads: put your google adsense ads on the left. Visitors often skim through many bloggers' posts to get information in a short time, and they do that by reading the first few lines of each paragraph of the posts. This heatmap shows exactly where visitors often look at the website, so heed this little picture carefully, it may change your earnings from cents per click to dollars. By exposing more of your google adsense ads to new visitors, there will be higher CTR, resulting in more clicks on your ads, earning you more google adsense money!
4. Use expensive keywords. Some of them are related to 'asbestos lung mesothelioma' or 'auto insurance', but since they are so hard to use, you can use keywords like 'domain registrations' or 'buy a domain name' for simpler solutions. Lists of expensive keywords can be found all over the web, so just go search for one, or you can read my version of expensive keywords here.
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